Stative verbs

Stative verbs: indicate a state more than an action and are normally used in Present Simple, they are related to:

Feelings:  dislike, enjoy,hate, hope, love, like, prefer, want.

Thought and opinion: believe, forget, guess, know, remember, think, understand.

Perception and the senses: feel, hear, see, smell, sound, taste, touch.

Prices and measures: cost, measure, weigh.

Possession: belong, have, own.

When these verbs refer to an action ,we can use the Present Continuous.

 Now, find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. Big- headed people are always thinking that they are better.

2. Tim should be more open-minded. He doesn't never accept other people's opinions.

3. Are you seeing Tom everyday.

4. How often does Sam's family has a pool party?

5. We are now realising that we've got a serious problem.

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